How to Buy Orbital Coin
To buy Orbital Coin, you'll need a cryptocurrency wallet that supports Solana. Recommended wallets include:
Phantom Wallet (recommended)
BestWallet, etc
Get a Wallet
Buy Solana (SOL)
Orbital Coin is available on the Solana blockchain, so you'll need Solana (SOL) to purchase it.
Find Orbital Coin
On your Wallet app, search for Orbital Coin by pasting our official token address into the search bar.
Ensure you have the correct address. You can find our token address on our BUY page.
Swap Solana (SOL) for Orbital Coin
After selecting Orbial Coin, choose the amount of SOL you want to swap. Confirm the transaction details and finalize your purchase.
Confirm Your Tokens
Once your transaction is successful, your Orbital Coin tokens will be transfered to your wallet. You can biew them in your wallet's assets section.